пятница, 8 июня 2018 г.

Сценарій вечора "Ромео і Джул'єти"


         “Where love is all is”.
         “Love is neither bought nor sold.”
         “Love will find a way”.
         “Love makes one fit for many work”.
         “Love makes the world go round”.

Compere 1:

         Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;
         What hast thou them more that thou hast before
         No love, my love, that thou mayst true love call,
         All mine was thine before thou hadst this more.

 Compere 2:

         These beautiful words belong to the greatest English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare. He wrote many sonnets and poems. The best and the most popular works are “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Twelfth Night”, “Hamlet”, “Othello. Written hundreds of years ago these works are very popular nowadays.  They are translated into many languages and they are read and loved by the people all over the world.
         The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” stands apart from the other tragedies. It was written during the fist period of Shakespeare’s creative work when most of his comedies appeared. The play is full of love, youth and humanism. In spite of the fast that the hero and heroine die, their ideal of free and happy love remains.

 Compere 3:

         In the town of Verona, in Italy, there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families and when a Capulet met a Montague, they always began to fight.
         (The scene: coming of the representatives of both families onto the stage.)

 Compere 1:

         Шляхетні рівно, знатні дві сімї, в Веронії пишній, де проходить дія,
         Ведуть запеклі і тяжкі бої, - аж враз кривава там сталась подія.
         Коханців двоє, з роду ватажків, ворожі ті утроби народили;
         І тільки смерть трагічна юнаків криваву ворожнечу припинила.

Compere 2:
         One day old Caupulet made a great supper and invited many people to it but no one of the house of the Montagues.
         (The ball, Romeo and Juliet appear.)

Compere 3:

         When dancing began, Romeo saw a young and very beautiful girl whom he did not know. This was Juliet, and Romeo fell in love with her.

Compere 1:
Готовий він був із-за неї вмерти і над усе Джульєтту покохав.

 Compere 2:

         There was a daughter, Juliet by name, in the Capulet family, who was fourteen years old at the time of the story, and the son Romeo in the Montague family, who was sixteen.
         (The scene: Romeo is dancing with Juliet.)

Compere 3:

         Juliet could not sleep that night, she fell in love with Romeo too. She went up to the window of her room and from there she saw Romeo in the garden.

Compere 1:

         They talked about their love and the quarrel between their families. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. They decided that nobody must know about their love and about their plan to marry.
         (Juliet appears on the stage.)


         Wilt thou be gone? It is not yet near day;
         It was the nightingale, and not the lark,
         That pierc’d the fearful hollow of thine ear;
         Nightly she sings on your pomegranate tree;
         Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.


         It was the lark, the herald of the morn, no nightingale;
         Look, love, what envious streaks,
         Do lase the severing clouds in yonder east;
         Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day
         Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops;
         I must be gone and live, or stay and die.


         Ти вже ідеш? До ранку ще далеко.
         Не жайворонок то,  в соловей збентежив вухо твоє;
         Він раз  у раз там уночі співає між віт граната.
         І повір мені, коханий, любий мій, то соловей.


То жайворонок, оповісник ранку, не соловейко.
         Глянь, моя кохана! Дивися – он заграла вже зоря
         І облямовує промінням заздрим завісу хмар суворих там,
         На сході. Згасила ніч світильники свої.
         Веселий день стає уже навшпиньки,
         З-за верхових туманних визирає.
         Піду я – житиму, лишусь – помру.

Nurse:     Madam!

Juliet:     Nurse!

      Lady, your mother is coming to your chamber! The day is broke, be wary, look about.

Juliet:     Them, window, let day in, and let live out.

Romeo:    Farewell, farewell! One kiss and I’ll descend.

         Art thou gone so? My lord, my love, my friend!
         I must hear from thee every day in the hour,
         For in a minute there are many days.
         O! by this count I shall be much in years
         Ere I again behold my Romeo!

Romeo: Farewell!

Compere 1:

         In the early morning Romeo went to see Friar Lawrence, an old man who could marry him to Juliet. Friar Lawrence was a friend of the Capulets and also of the Montagues. He thought that the marriage between Romeo and Juliet could end the old quarrel, so he decided to marry them.

 Compere 2:

         The next day Romeo and Juliet came to Friar Lawrence and he married them. Juliet went home to wait for her young husband Romeo, who promised to come at night into the Capulet’s garden and meet Juliet there.

Compere 3:

         Some day have passed and Juliet’s father called his daughter to him and told her that she was too young to marry, but old Capulet got very angry and did not want to listen to her. Then Juliet went to Friar Lawrence for help.

Compere 1:

         He listened to the girl and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But t night before her marriage she must drink some medicine from a little bottle, whish the Friar gave her. This medicine will put you to sleep for forty-two hours, said the Friar. Juliet went home and she did as the Friar had told her.

 Compere 2:

         When her mother came into the room, Juliet lay on her bed. She was unconscious. The mother thought that Juliet was dead. The parents dried bitterly, then they put Juliet into the family tomb.
         (The scene: Juliet is lying dead; Romeo is standing on his knees near her.)


         Oh, Juliet, oh my Juliet! My darling, what’s happened? Why are you her? Say something to me. Open your eyes. You know, I love you, I need you, you are all my life… I can’s live without you … I’ll die!

Compere 1:

         Не визирає сонце з-поза хмар…
         Похмурий мир приніс світанок нам.
         Ходім звідсіль. Все треба з’ясувати.
         Ще доведеться вирішити нам,
         Кого помилувати, кого скарати…
         Сумніших оповідей не знайдете,
         Ніж про любов Ромео і Джульєтти.

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